Rankings and Awards

In independent ratings of renowned industry publications, SAXINGER regularly ranks among the top 10 corporate law firms in Austria and the CEE region in numerous fields of law. However, the satisfaction of our clients is more important than any award. And that is something that we want to and aim to achieve every day anew.


Rankings and Awards

JUVE Regional-Ranking 2025

SAXINGER ranked among the top business law firms in Upper Austria & Salzburg in the JUVE Regional Ranking

The prestigious JUVE Regional Ranking once again confirms: SAXINGER is among the leading business law firms in Upper Austria and has successfully entered the ranking for Salzburg right from the start. This is a significant milestone that highlights the firm’s strong regional presence and outstanding advisory expertise.

With the opening of its Salzburg office in June 2024, SAXINGER has further expanded its presence in the region. The Salzburg office focuses on advising and representing private clients, particularly in the areas of business succession, corporate law, M&A, and start-up consulting. Thanks to close collaboration with SAXINGER’s other locations, clients also benefit from interdisciplinary and comprehensive legal advice.

With this recognition in the JUVE Regional Ranking, SAXINGER reinforces its leadership position in Upper Austria while successfully establishing itself in Salzburg. The firm remains a top choice for excellent business law advice in the region.

Best Lawyers Austria Ranking

Handelsblatt presents the "Best Lawyers in Austria (Edition 2025)" determined in cooperation with the US publishing house "Best Lawyers":

A total of 13 SAXINGER partners are personally highlighted and thus rank among the best lawyers in Austria:

Further information on the ranking table is available at the Best Lawyers website >>

Chambers Europe Guide 2024

This year, SAXINGER once again scored numerous rankings in key legal fields in the Chambers Europe Guide 2024 and strengthened the position as one of Austria's leading commercial law firms.

Chambers and Partners is an independent research company operating across 200 jurisdictions delivering detailed rankings and insight into the world's leading lawyers.

Ranked Legal Fields:

Ranked Lawyers:

Legal 500 EMEA Green Guide 2024

We are delighted to be included in The Legal500 EMEA Green Guide!

The Green Guide presents the top law firms advising on issues around ESG (Environmental Social Governance) and recognizes their contribution to ´Green Change´ as well as their own sustainability initiatives.

Dr. Irene Meingast (green real estate and decorbonization expert) and Mag. Edwin Scharf (sustainable procurement specialist) are personally highlighted.

Legal500 EMEA Rankings 2023

Legal500 has published the EMEA 2022 results:

SAXINGER is ranked in 13 practice areas and 28 lawyers are mentioned as outstanding for their contribution to respective practices:


  • Administrative Law and Public Sector – Tier 4: Dr. Hanno Liebmann, Dr. Markus Nußbaumer
  • Banking and Finance – Tier 4: Dr. Immanuel Gerstner, Dr. Franz Mittendorfer, Mag. Clemens Harsch, Dr. Lukas Leitner, Dr. Thomas Ruhm
  • Commercial, Corporate and M&A – Tier 4: Dr. Immanuel Gerstner, Dr. Franz Mittendorfer, Dr. Wolfgang Lauss, MMag. Sebastian Hütter, Dr. Lukas Leitner
  • Data Privacy and Data Protection – Tier 3: Dr. Michael M. Pachinger, Mag. Philipp Reinisch
  • Dispute Resolution – Arbitration and Mediation – Tier 3: Mag. Markus P. Fellner (Legal500 Next Generation Partner), Mag. Ria Kucera, Mag. Dr. Nina Pichler
  • Dispute Resolution – Commercial Litigation – Tier 3: Mag. Markus P. Fellner (Legal500 Next Gneration Partner), Mag. Ria Kucera, Mag. Rupert Kreuml, Mag. Dr. Nina Pichler
  • Employment – Tier 5: Dr. Roland Heinrich, Mag. Bettina Poglies-Schneiderbauer
  • EU and Competition –  Tier 3 Dr. Wolfgang Lauss, Mag. Markus P. Fellner, Dr. Christina Hummer, Mag. Kristina Madunic
  • Insolvency and Corporate Recovery – Tier 3: Dr. Ernst Chalupsky, MMag. Sebastian Hütter, Mag. Dr. Nina Pichler
  • Intellectual Property – 4: Dr. Maximilian Gumpoldsberger, Dr. Reinhard Paulitsch, Dr. Michael M. Pachinger
  • Private Client – Tier 2: Dr. Gerald Schmidsberger, Dr. Birgit Leb
  • Public Procurement – Tier 2: Dr. Hanno Liebmann, Mag. Edwin Scharf, Mag. Jana Seywald
  • Real Estate – Tier 3: Dr. Immanuel Gerstner, Dr. Lukas Leitner, Mag. Christoph Luegmair, Dr. Irene Meingast, Mag. Jana Seywald, Mag. Philipp Reinisch

Chambers Europe Guide 2023

This year, SAXINGER once again scored numerous rankings in key legal fields in the Chambers Europe Guide 2023 and strengthened the position as one of Austria's leading commercial law firms.

Chambers and Partners is an independent research company operating across 200 jurisdictions delivering detailed rankings and insight into the world's leading lawyers.

Ranked Legal Fields:

  • Banking & Finance - Band 4
  • Corporate M&A - Band 4
  • Dispute Resolution - Band 4
  • Real Estate - Band 3
  • Public Law: Public Procurement/PPP - Einzug ins Ranking

Ranked Lawyers:

Immanuel Gerstner (Real Estate)
Markus P. Fellner (Dispute Resolution: Arbitration)
Franz Mittendorfer (Corporate/M&A)

JUVE Ranking Competition 2022

JUVE honours SAXINGER's Competition practice with four stars in this year's ranking.

JUVE particularly highlights our partners Dr. Christina Hummer and Mag. Markus Fellner.

JUVE Ranking Corporate and M&A 2022

JUVE honours SAXINGER's Corporate and M&A Practice with three stars in this year's ranking.

JUVE particularly highlights our partners Dr. Gerald Schmidsberger, Dr. Franz Mittendorfer, Dr. Wolfgang Lauss, Dr. Immanuel Gerstner, Mag. Clemens Harsch and MMag. Sebastian Hütter.

Trend Ranking 2022 - SAXINGER among the top law firms in Austria

More than 100 law firms from all over Austria, selected by Trend Magazine, named the best from among themselves. Two SAXINGER partners are among them, having received a top 10 ranking in their respective areas of expertise:

In addition, we were successful in the federal state ranking (Upper Austria) of the best law firms.

Legal500 EMEA Rankings 2022

Legal500 has published the EMEA 2022 results:

SAXINGER is ranked in 13 practice areas and 28 lawyers are mentioned as outstanding for their contribution to respective practices:


  • Administrative Law and Public Sector – Tier 4: Dr. Hanno Liebmann, Dr. Markus Nußbaumer
  • Banking and Finance – Tier 4: Dr. Immanuel Gerstner, Dr. Franz Mittendorfer, Mag. Clemens Harsch, Dr. Lukas Leitner
  • Commercial, Corporate and M&A – Tier 4: Dr. Immanuel Gerstner, Dr. Franz Mittendorfer, Dr. Wolfgang Lauss, MMag. Sebastian Hütter
  • Data Privacy and Data Protection – Tier 3: Dr. Michael M. Pachinger, Mag. Philipp Reinisch
  • Dispute Resolution – Arbitration and Mediation – Tier 4: Mag. Markus P. Fellner, Mag. Ria Kucera, Mag. Dr. Nina Pichler
  • Dispute Resolution – Commercial Litigation – Tier 3: Mag. Markus P. Fellner, Mag. Ria Kucera
  • Employment – Tier 5: Dr. Roland Heinrich, Mag. Bettina Poglies-Schneiderbauer
  • EU and Competition –  Tier 3 Dr. Wolfgang Lauss, Mag. Markus P. Fellner, Dr. Christina Hummer
  • Insolvency and Corporate Recovery – Tier 3: Dr. Ernst Chalupsky, Dr. Gerald Schmidsberger, Dr. Alexander Anderle, MMag. Sebastian Hütter, Mag. Dr. Nina Pichler
  • Intellectual Property – 5: Dr. Maximilian Gumpoldsberger, Dr. Reinhard Paulitsch, Dr. Oliver Plöckinger, Dr. Michael M. Pachinger, Mag. Dominique Schichtle
  • Private Client – Tier 2: Dr. Wolfgang Lauss, Dr. Gerald Schmidsberger, Dr. Birgit Leb
  • Public Procurement – Tier 3: Dr. Hanno Liebmann, Mag. Edwin Scharf, Mag. Jana Seywald
  • Real Estate – Tier 3: Dr. Immanuel Gerstner, Dr. Lukas Leitner, Mag. Christoph Luegmair, Dr. Irene Meingast, Mag. Jana Seywald

Chambers Europe Guide 2022

This year, SAXINGER once again scored numerous rankings in key legal fields in the Chambers Europe Guide 2022 and strengthened the position as one of Austria's leading commercial law firms.

Chambers and Partners is an independent research company operating across 200 jurisdictions delivering detailed rankings and insight into the world's leading lawyers.

Ranked Legal Fields:

  • Banking & Finance: Band 4
  • Corporate M&A: Band 4
  • Dispute Resolution: Band 4
  • Real Estate: Band 3
  • Public Law: Public Procurement  /  PPP: Einzug ins Ranking

Ranked Lawyers:

Immanuel Gerstner (Real Estate)
Markus P. Fellner (Dispute Resolution: Arbitration)
Christina Hummer (Competition/European Law)
Franz Mittendorfer (Corporate/M&A)

Promoting the Best Awards 2021

On 12th October 2021, Women-in-Law, together with the Association of Austrian Corporate Lawyers, honoured law firms and legal departments that have made a special effort in various areas:

We are very pleased about our award in the category "Women-in-Law 21st Century Award - Law Firm 2021" and that we were able to show that we are exceptionally 21st century fit.

For more information on the awards, please visit the Promoting the Best website >>


JUVE Ranking – Banking & Finance 2021

JUVE honours SAXINGER with three stars in this year's banking and finance ranking.

JUVE highlights our transnational networking in the corporate and banking sector as well as the expertise of lawyer and partner Mag. Clemens Harsch, who stands out because of his "very professional and straightforward advice" in the field of banking law.

Chambers Europe 2021

→ Promotion in the legal field Banking and Finance from „Recognised Practitioner“ to Band 4

→ Promotion in the legal field Corporate/M&A from Band 5 to Band 4


In the other legal fields, we were able to maintain our placements from the previous year:

  • Real Estate (Band 3)
  • Dispute Resolution (Band 4)

Ranked Lawyers:

Immanuel Gerstner (Real Estate)
Markus P. Fellner (Dispute Resolution: Arbitration)
Christina Hummer (Competition)
Franz Mittendorfer (Corporate/M&A)

Chambers Europe Awards 2021

SAXINGER on Shortlist of Chambers Europe Awards 2021:

SAXINGER has been shortlisted for this year's Chambers Europe Awards in the category "Austrian Law Firm of the Year". With these awards Chambers and Partners honours national and international law firms in Europe for outstanding achievements.

Further information is available here >>



JUVE business law firms Upper Austria and Styria 2020/2021

SAXINGER is once again at the top of the JUVE regional ranking 2020/2021:

Upper Austria

In the JUVE business law firms Upper Austria 2020/2021 ranking we were once again able to maintain our top position in Tier 1. The strength of SAXINGER in Upper Austria (Wels, Linz) in the areas of Corporate/M&A, Public Sector as well as international presence is highlighted. JUVE also highlights the large team.

Once again, all of SAXINGER's senior partners based in Upper Austria are to be mentioned in the "frequently recommended" category:

  •     Dr. Franz Mittendorfer "(...) outstanding senior partner for M&A matters", client
  •     Dr. Ernst Chalupsky "(...) highly competent corporate lawyer, great strategist (...)", competitor
  •     Dr. Maximilian Gumpoldsberger
  •     Dr. Gerald Schmidsberger "(...) very good in corporate disputes (...)", competitor
  •     Dr. Wolfgang Lauss "(...) excellent contract lawyer (...)", client


In the JUVE business law firms Styria 2020/2021 ranking we were fortunately able to maintain our position (Tier 5).

Chambers Europe 2020

Entry of the practice area Banking and Finance into the category "Recognised Practitioner.

In all other legal fields, we were able to maintain our placements from the previous year:

  • Real Estate (Band 3),
  • Dispute Resolution (Band 4)
  • Corporate/M&A (Band 5)

Ranked Lawyers:

Immanuel Gerstner (Real Estate)
Markus P. Fellner (Dispute Resolution)
Christina Hummer (Competition/European Law)
Markus Nussbaumer (Planning and Environment)

Chambers Global 2020

  • Corporate / M&A (Band 5) 
  • Dispute Resolution (Band 4)
  • Dispute Resolution: Foreign Expert for China (Spotlight Table)

Ranked Lawyers:

Markus P. Fellner (Dispute Resolution)

The Legal 500 – EMEA 2020

First entry into the ranking in:

  • Employment – Tier 4

In all other legal fields, we were fortunately able to maintain or improve our placements from the previous year:

  • Administrative Law and Public Sector – Tier 4
  • Banking and Finance – Tier 3
  • Commercial, Corporate and M&A – Tier 3
  • EU and Competition –  Tier 3
  • Dispute Resolution – Arbitration and Mediation – Tier 3
  • Dispute Resolution – Commercial Litigation – Tier 3
  • Insolvency and Corporate Recovery – Tier 2
  • Private Client – Tier 2
  • Public Procurement – Tier 3
  • Real Estate – Tier 3

JUVE Handbuch Wirtschaftskanzleien Österreich 2019/2020

SAXINGER again received top rankings in the following areas of law from JUVE magazine for business law firms in 2019:

  • Bank und Finanzrecht
  • Gesellschaftsrecht M&A
  • Immobilien und Baurecht
  • Insolvenz und Restrukturierung
  • Kartellrecht
  • Prozessrecht
  • Schiedsverfahren und Mediation
  • Konfliktlösung und Streitbeilegung
  • Öffentlichen Wirtschaftsrecht
  • Vergaberecht

SAXINGER among the top 20 employers in the JUVE career ranking Austria

The JUVE editorial team presented those law firms which, after extensive research, are particularly attractive employers for law graduates and ranked SAXINGER among the top 20 employers in Austria in the overall ranking. Our Top 5 ranking in the areas of "training and further education" is particularly pleasing. SAXINGER is thus regarded as a "top trainer", offering intensive support and regular feedback to trainees. Our wide range of internal seminars, workshops (also in cooperation with other law firms/tax consultants) and the accompaniment of university moot courts were particularly highlighted as well. 

Promoting the Best Awards 2019 - Women in Law

SAXINGER is one of the nominees for the Promoting the Best Awards in the Women in Law 2019 category. The main reason for a nomination was the number of female partners appointed to the respective firm since 2016.

For the second time, Women in Law and the Association of Austrian Corporate Lawyers (VUJ) presented the "PROMOTING THE BEST" awards in eight categories to legal departments and law firms. The best of the best in the legal field were honored by the Federal Minister for Digitization and Business Location Elisabeth Udolf-Stroblam October 8, 2019 in the Looshaus Vienna.

The Legal 500 – EMEA 2019

First entry into the ranking in:

  • Intellectual Property - Tier 5
  • Private Client - Tier 3

In all other legal fields, we were fortunately able to maintain or improve our placements from the previous year:

  • Administrative Law and Public Sector - Tier 3
  • Banking and Finance - Tier 4
  • Commercial, Corporate and M&A - Tier 4
  • EU and Competition - from Tier 4 to Tier 3
  • Dispute Resolution - Arbitration and Mediation - Tier 4
  • Dispute Resolution - Commercial Litigation - Tier 3
  • Insolvency and Corporate Recovery - Tier 3
  • Public Procurement - from Tier 4 toTier 3
  • Real Estate - Tier 4

Chambers Global Ranking 2019

  • Corporate / M&A (Band 5) 
  • Dispute Resolution (Band 4)
  • Dispute Resolution: Foreign Expert for China.

Ranked Lawyers:

Immanuel Gerstner (Corporate/M&A)
Markus P. Fellner (Dispute Resolution)

Chambers Europe Ranking 2019

Rise of the legal area Dispute Resolution by two ranks of "Recognised Practitioner" in volume 4.

In all other areas of law, we were able to maintain our placements from the previous year:

  • Real Estate (Band 3),
  • Corporate/M&A (Band 5)
  • Competition/European Law (Recognised Practitioner)

Ranked Lawyers:

Immanuel Gerstner (Corporate/M&A; Real Estate)
Markus P. Fellner (Dispute Resolution)
Christina Hummer (Competition/European Law)