We are looking for you

We have high demands. But offer a lot in return. A working environment for top achievements. Characterised by cooperative dealings with one another and enjoyment in providing the best service for our clients. An interesting, challenging and varied activity in which you can realise your full potential.

You are: looking for challenges and responsibility.

Irrespective of the job vacancy that you apply for at our company. We expect you to be prepared to work autonomously and to assume responsibility. You will learn in collaboration with experienced colleagues and have a responsible role working on interesting and demanding mandates.

You want: diversity and specialisation.

The range of our services is broad. Ideal prerequisites, therefore, for you to develop further at our company and to specialise. Our client structure is also diverse and extends from small and medium-sized companies to international corporations. We thus offer you the chance to gain interesting insights into different industries and organisational structures.

You are: looking for an international environment.

We are everywhere where our clients are. Firstly, we have strong regional roots; secondly, we are at home in many countries of the world. Mandates with an international reference therefore account for a large percentage of our day-to-day work. At 26 offices: Bologna, Bratislava, Wroclaw, Brussels, Budapest, Bucharest, Dusseldorf, Gliwice, Graz, Frankfurt, HamburgHannover, ImolaIstanbul, Linz, Osnabrück, Paris, Pilsen, Prague, SalzburgShanghai, Sofia, Taicang, Warsaw, Wels and Vienna. In 13 countries: Belgium, Bulgaria, China, France, Germany, Italy, Austria, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Turkey.

You like: teamwork.

At our company, a corporate culture awaits you, in which collaboration between the members of the competence areas is promoted. This is one of our success factors particularly with complex mandates. Superb teamwork has made our law firm as strong as it is today.

You are: good.

We do of course welcome excellent training certificates and degree results. And expect good English skills. A doctorate degree, a second degree or a LL.M. are welcome but not a prerequisite for recruitment. Personal traits are more important to us than grades or titles. An enjoyment of high-quality work, curiosity and motivation, but also the will to reach goals - for our clients and for yourself.

Have we aroused your curiosity? Then please feel free to find out in detail about your prospects or take a look right now at the job vacancies.