SAXINGER in the Spotlight: JUVE Awards 2024 – shortlisted as "Law Firm of the Year Austria"

SAXINGER has been nominated for the JUVE Awards 2024 in the category "Law Firm of the Year Austria." The award ceremony will take place on October 24, 2024, in Frankfurt.

The category "Law Firm of the Year Austria" not only recognizes outstanding performance in various legal fields but also acknowledges the overall development and management of Austrian law firms. Emphasis is placed on aspects such as sustainability, continuity, and consistent actions compared to previous years.

The evaluation criteria include strategic achievements, client orientation, firm culture, talent development, profitability, personnel growth, and expansion into new business areas or markets. A key criterion is the firm's dynamic development over the past twelve months.


SAXINGER in the Spotlight: JUVE Awards 2024 – shortlisted as "Law Firm of the Year Austria"