
Schindhelm Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
German Centre for Industry and Trade
Shanghai Tower 2, 6. Floor, Unit 626
88 Keyuan Road
201203 Shanghai / China

Schindhelm Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
German Centre for Industry and Trade Taicang
Atrium 15. Floor, Unit 1507, Dong Ting Building
Middle Zheng He Road 319
215400 Taicang / China

Apart from our offices in Graz, Linz, SalzburgVienna and Wels we have offices in Bologna, Bratislava, Wroclaw, Brussels, Budapest, BucharestDusseldorfGliwiceFrankfurt, HamburgHannover, ImolaIstanbul, Osnabrück, ParisPilsen, Prague, Shanghai, Sofia, Taicang and Warsaw.

Together with our partners of the international Schindhelm alliance we are represented in 13 (Belgium, China, Germany, Italy, Austria, Bulgaria, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Turkey) countries and 26 locations.