SAXINGER press coverage

02.05.2022 - TREND Magazin - Trend Ranking Data Protection

SAXINGER partner Dr. Michael Pachinger is ranked among the best data protection lawyers.

(Dr Michael M. Pachinger)

> TREND Magazin - Trend Ranking Data Protection
14.10.2021 - - New Book on Privacycontracts

Univ. Lektor RA Dr. Michael M. Pachinger, CIPP /EU and partner at SAXINGER is the author of the new book "Datenschutz-Verträge" (privacycontracts).

(Dr Michael M. Pachinger)

> - Publikation: „Datenschutz-Verträge“
10.11.2020 - OÖN - ECJ declares Privacy Shield invalid

Digital Days: Michael Pachinger on the withdrawal of the EU-US data protection agreement

(Dr Michael M. Pachinger)

> OÖN -
17.07.2020 - OÖN - Data protection becomes more complicated for companies

EU terminates the US data protection agreement “Privacy Shield”. Dr. Michael Pachinger provides insights on the effects of this decision and the need for measures to be taken by companies.

(Dr Michael M. Pachinger)

> OÖN - Aus für Datenschutzabkommen: "Für Unternehmen wird es komplizierter"
30.05.2020 - OÖN - Data protection in times of the crisis

On 25 May 2018 the GDPR entered into force in the EU. Two years later, discussions on the GDPR are ongoing.

(Dr Michael M. Pachinger)

> OÖN - Ein Stresstest für den Datenschutz