SAXINGER press coverage

17.12.2020 - dental journal - Conditions of job sharing among dentists

In this final article on the topic of establishing a doctor's office, the conditions of job sharing among dentists  are presented in more detail.

(Mag Michaela Nill)

> dental journal - Rahmenbedingungen des Jobsharings im zahnärztlichen Bereich
26.11.2020 - Ärzte exklusiv - Liability insurance for physicians

Since August 2010 it has been obligatory for every physician in private practices to have professional liability insurance. It protects the doctor against claims for damages from injured patients.

(Mag Michaela Nill)

> Ärzte exklusiv - Ärzte-Haftpflichtversicherung: Zahlen Sie auch zu viel?
22.11.2020 - Kronen Zeitung - The digital visit of a physician via mobile app

The technical possibilities have been available for a long time but many legal questions remain unsanswered.

(Mag Michaela Nill, Dr Philipp L. Leitner)

> Kronen Zeitung - Experten prüfen digitalen Arztbesuch mit Handy-App